Leads produce no results in disappearance
Published 6:00 am Monday, March 3, 2008
Leads are coming in from all over the state in the search for amissing Brookhaven resident who may have disappeared as long ago asThursday, but the information so far has not resulted in her beingfound, authorities said.
Virginia Ratliff, 83, went missing shortly after her husbandCharles was hospitalized in Jackson at the VA hospital. Friends andfamily members say she may have attempted to drive to Jackson tosee her husband in the hospital and gotten lost during a bout ofdementia.
Ratliff is described as a white woman about 5-foot-1 and 135pounds, and is believed to have been driving her white 1999 MercuryGrand Marquis bearing Lincoln County tag 987-LIH.
Police Chief Pap Henderson said that in spite of extensivecommunity efforts and multiple manhunts on Saturday, there are nolocal developments in the search.
“We’ve got her description entered nationwide, and all agenciesare aware of it,” he said. “Local people are still on the lookout,as well.”
Henderson said area media outlets have been reporting thedisappearance, and that calls have been coming in from allover.
“We’re getting calls from people saying they’ve seen carsfitting the description and we’re checking all of those out,” hesaid. “We find out what area they saw it in, what county or townthey saw it in, and we get local agencies in those areas to lookinto it for us.”
Henderson said the tips have come in from neighboring states aswell.
“Last night we got one from Alabama,” he said today. “There wasa trucker who saw a car fitting the description parked on the sideof the road. So far nothing has panned out, but we’re checkingevery possible call that we receive.”
Authorities have asked that anyone with possible informationcall the Brookhaven Police Department at (601)833-2424, the LincolnCounty Sheriff’s Department at (601)833-5231, or the MississippiHighway Patrol at (601)833-7811.