Guard program keeps park in shape
Published 6:00 pm Sunday, April 17, 2011
Members of Brookhaven’s Detachment 1 Company C RecruitmentSustainment Program deployed to Bicentennial Park this weekend aspart of an Earth Day observance to help local communities and theenvironment.
On Saturday, RSP members planted some azaleas and ornamentaltrees, pruned trees and handled some other maintenance activities,said Staff Sgt. Benjamin Lowery. They were expected to returnSunday to continue the park spruce-up work.
“We’re going out into the area to support the city of Brookhavenin its quest to upgrade all of its parks and playgrounds,” Lowerysaid.
This is the second year for the program to be involved in parkimprovement efforts, with last year’s project focusing on KidsKingdom. Lowery said guard officials are looking at City Park onHartman Street for next year, and possibly more involvement beforethen.
“We’re looking at possibly doing other activities throughout theyear on a volunteer basis,” Lowery said.
Lowery said RSP is a pre-basic training program and recruits arepart of it for around 90 to 100 days.
While many people may think of the guard as serving only acombat role, Lowery said members also serve stateside in efforts toaddress community needs. He said activities like last year and thisyear represent opportunities to have the guard get communityexposure and address local needs.
“Last year was a great service,” Lowery said. “All of therecruits regarded it as a positive experience.”