Adoption of animals needed before BARL can take more
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, April 29, 2003
A few dozen adorable, lovable companions in Brookhaven are indesperate need of permanent homes where they can get the attentionthey deserve.
Brookhaven Animal Rescue League officials say the organizationis overflowing with dogs and cats of all shapes, sizes and colorsthat need to be adopted before any more animals can beaccepted.
“We hate to turn people down, but we’re to the point where thereis no room,” said BARL representative Stacy Walker. “Our main needright now is for people to come out and adopt pets, so we can startaccepting animals again.”
Walker said the current facility housing dogs at the HartleyGove Sons Thermometer Plant is completely full. She points out thatsuch overcrowding is especially disheartening this time of yearwhen new litters are springing up everywhere around the county.
“We would love to take anything and everything, but we justcan’t right now,” said Walker. “We’re not just going to put down ananimal so we can take another, because we are a no-killorganization.”
She hopes people will find this is a great time of year to adopta new “family member” to play outdoors with throughout the springand summer.
Dogs can be adopted by contacting Glen Watkins at 757-4367Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Cats, which are also in abundance at this time, can be adoptedthrough any of the local veterinarians’ offices.
Anyone who has a stray animal to turn over to BARL, Walker asksthat they keep the animal a little longer until room opens up.
“We hope people will be understanding. We will assist them inany way we can,” said Walker.
She encourages people to take out free ads in the newspaper andcontact friends and relatives who might want a new pet. If ananimal is found in the city limits, the animal control officershould be contacted at the Brookhaven Police Department at833-2424.
BARL officials hope the overcrowding problem will diminish onceanother housing facility is built in the wooded area behind thethermometer plant.
Donations and a fund raiser golf tournament earlier this monthwill allow BARL officials to begin the project possibly in May.
“In the meantime, we’re just doing the best we can with what wehave,” said Walker.
When the facility is complete, however, there will be plenty ofroom for more animals awaiting adoption. The facility will begreatly needed by the time it’s finished because it will housepuppies, kittens and adult cats, a growing part of the BARLpopulation.
“Our first and foremost priority though is our cats,” saidWalker. “All of our cats are housed with local veterinarians, andthey are kind to do that, but we want to have all the cats at oneplace.”
As more funds become available, the facility will be expanded.The facility will then be used for adult dogs as well. The dogswill have “runs” providing fenced outdoor and indoor shelter.
Donations may be sent to BARL, P.O. Box 909, Brookhaven, MS39602. All donations are tax-deductible, and receipts are givenupon request. Donations of puppy food and dog food can be droppedoff at the current facility on North First Street.
Volunteers are also needed to help maintain the facility andcare for dogs. Medication day is today from 3:30 -5 p.m., whileclean up of the facility will start at 5:30 p.m. today at thethermometer plant.
BARL’s next monthly meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m., May 13,at the Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce for anyoneinterested in finding out more about the non-profitorganization.