Fire claims Bahalia Road home
Published 8:18 pm Tuesday, December 21, 2010
A fire on Bahalia Road left a woman and her children unharmed,but claimed her house and all its contents Saturday around 8 p.m.,officials said.
Members of the Heuck’s Retreat Volunteer Fire Department andseveral of the surrounding volunteer fire departments fought flamesfor nearly four hours.
“When we got there, one room was burning, but it was an olderhouse,” said David Case, HRVFD assistant chief. “Once it caught, itwent. When we got there we were unable to stop it.”
Case added that the woman, Misty Honea, is a member of HRVFD anddiscovered the emergency after one of her kids mentioned a smokesmell in the house. Honea checked out the smoke, then made the callfor help.
Wesson, Strong Hope, Bethel, New Sight and Hog Chain volunteer firedepartments responded to the emergency run.