Watts chosen to lead annual holiday parade
Published 6:00 am Thursday, November 10, 2005
Lincoln County Board of Supervisors President Bobby Watts sees alittle history in his serving as grand marshal for this year’sChristmas Parade.
The District Two supervisor and Rita Rich, chairwoman of theannual event since 1993, said this year would be the first time asupervisor has been chosen as parade leader. The event is scheduledfor 7 p.m. Dec. 1 in downtown Brookhaven.
“That’s a little history,” said Watts, who described his beingchosen as a “good honor.”
Watts is in his second term as supervisor and second year aspresident of the board. From a Chamber of Commerce perspective,Rich said Watts has been a joy to work with and he really wants thebest for the area.
“He has helped foster continued unity between the city, countyand chamber officials,” Rich said. “He has taken a very active rolein promoting the community.”
Watts was also pleased with the community camaraderie.
“I’m so happy the city, county and chamber are on the same page.I feel real good about that,” Watts said.
Mentioning a recent trip by community officials to Washington toseek funding for a new business park, Watts said that unity willproduce results.
“I just believe in the next few years to come, we’ll have thehottest growth between Memphis and New Orleans of our size,” Wattssaid.
Watts also expressed hope that Highway 84 would be converted toan interstate that would run between Texas and Georgia. He saidthat would make Brookhaven a “crossroads community” at theintersection of two interstates.
“That would be a blessing to our city and county,” Wattssaid.
For this year’s parade, Watts plans to continue taking part inthe popular tradition of tossing candy to onlookers. He said hegives out about 70 pounds of candy during the parade.
“That is almost just right. It takes every bit of it make theround,” Watts said.
Rich encouraged parents to watch their children closely whenthey go after candy.
Rich said children should be kept a safe distance from paradevehicles and parade participants should toss candy underhanded intothe crowd. Also, mentioning some concerns from riders and others,Rich said spectators should not toss candy or other items at horsesduring the parade.
“They need to realize how dangerous that can be,” Rich said.
Entry forms to ride in the parade are available at the Chamberof Commerce office. The fee is $35 for automobiles and floats and$10 for horses.