Vandalism, burglaries investigated
Published 6:00 am Thursday, November 16, 2000
Authorities are hoping to make arrests soon after investigatingseveral reports of vandalism and burglary in two areas of thecounty.
“I think we’re in a position now to at least make some arrestson those cases,” said Lincoln County Sheriff Lynn Boyte about therecent activity.
The mischievous activity involves vandalism at West LincolnAttendance Center and three house burglaries.
“Someone broke a few windows at West Lincoln and went in andransacked some of the offices and classrooms, but it doesn’t looklike they took much,” said Boyte, of the vandalism that wasdiscovered by school officials Sunday evening.
Authorities are not sure of a motive for the vandalism, but arefollowing up on a lead about a suspicious Adams County vehicle seenin the area over the weekend.
School officials were disappointed to have to deal with suchturmoil after “a long weekend” surrounding the death of a WestLincoln senior.
“It’s just the fact that they did it when everybody from our endof the county was at the funeral home,” said West Lincoln PrincipalMonty Wilson.
Several classrooms and offices were rifled through in what couldhave been a search for money, but only about $60 total was takenfrom teachers’ and students’ desks. At least three buildingssuffered damage between 9 p.m. Saturday night and Sundayevening.
“They broke into the elementary building, the high schooloffices and the gym,” said Superintendent of Education PerryMiller.
The damage included numerous broken windows used to gain entryto the buildings, as well as damage to a soft drink machine and anair conditioning unit. Some West Lincoln seniors, who areconsidered handy men around the school, have put in an effort torepair some of the damaged items.
“We’ve got some young men called the Fabulous Five who havealready fixed a lot of it,” said Wilson, commending the students’efforts.
Authorities are also investigating a house burglary in the areathat could be related to the school vandalism.
“We also had a house broken into around the same time on WestLincoln Drive, just off Highway 84, where they took some money,”said Boyte.
Two other burglaries were reported over the weekend in theopposite side of the county near the Lawrence County line, addedBoyte.
Authorities will continue to investigate the burglaries withhopes that more information will arise. Anyone with informationabout any crime can call the Sheriff’s Department at 833-5231 orCrimestoppers 823-0150.