Escaped inmate back in jail
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, June 2, 2004
A Lincoln County Jail inmate is facing escape charges afterfleeing from a work crew Friday and being recaptured Saturday,according to law enforcement officials.
Arthur Miller, 22, of 974 Southgate Trl., escaped custody Fridayaround 9 a.m. while picking up trash along roads inside the citylimits, said Lincoln County Sheriff Wiley Calcote.
“He wasn’t even out for a 24-hour period. We snatched him rightback up,” he said. “We didn’t go to bed until he was back in jail.We stayed up all night. No one was harmed.”
Miller was apprehended by the Brookhaven Police Departmentaround 7 a.m. Saturday in Cloverdale, Calcote said.
“From time to time it’s going to happen,” the sheriff said aboutescapes. “You just have to be prepared to get them backquickly.”
The increased chance of escape with the inmate work crew programis why the program is limited to inmates convicted of nonviolentoffenses, Calcote said.
“They’re heavily screened specifically to avoid any dangerousinmates being allowed into the program,” he said.
Miller was “just beginning” a three-year sentence on drugpossession charges, Calcote said.
He will now face an escape charge that carries a maximumsentence of five years.
Other charges may be pending, Calcote said. Miller’s work crewprivileges have been revoked.