Sheriff’s Department takes oaths of office
Published 6:00 am Monday, January 7, 2008
The men and women of the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Departmentwere both solemn and enthusiastic as they took their seats in thecourtroom Friday for their official swearing in ceremony.
Sheriff Steve Rushing and his staff of more than 20 officerswere sworn in Friday morning by Circuit Court Judges Mike Taylorand David Strong in a ceremony which was attended by family andfriends of the department, as well as several city and countyofficials. Assistant District Attorney Diane Jones also took heroath in the same ceremony.
Taylor said not only have the voters proven they have faith inRushing, but that he expects to see continued progress from thedepartment in coming years. Rushing was appointed to the positionof sheriff in September of 2006 after Wiley Calcote resigned hisoffice under indictment on 15 charges, including 13 felonies.
In the Nov. 6 election, Rushing defeated Republican challengerTerry Harper with almost 90 percent of the vote.
“Sheriff Rushing took over during a very difficult time as anappointed sheriff and has done a great job, and now with themandate he received during the election, I’m certain he’ll continueto improve the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department,” he said. “Ithink he’s going to represent the people of Lincoln County in theway they deserve.”
And looking at the next four years, Rushing said he’s justgrateful for that faith bestowed upon him by his supporters.
“I’m just honored that the people of Lincoln County supported mein the election, and I look forward to serving them for the nextfour years,” he said. “The caring and giving attitude everyone hastowards each other in this county is what makes it such an honor toserve here.”
Rushing’s deputies are optimistic as they start the new year,saying they’re glad to be taking their oaths under someone they canlook up to as an honorable leader.
“I expect good things to continue to happen as they have beenever since he took office,” said deputy Krysten Butler. “We’ve gota lot of good deputies right now, and he’s a great leader.”
Deputy Jack Simmons said he is proud to serve Lincoln County andis confident the sheriff’s department is headed in the rightdirection.
“Sheriff Rushing has the right educational background, the rightexperience, and the good character to do what it takes to do a goodjob for the people of Lincoln County,” he said.
Chief Deputy Johnny Hall said he is looking forward to newdirections the department is taking. Hall has been with thedepartment since 1996, and said based on that knowledge, he’ll tellanyone Rushing is the right man for the job.
“And we have a lot of great deputies right now and I’m lookingforward to working with them,” he said. “Plus we’re working ongetting more programs established in the community, as you knowwe’ve been working with TRIAD and Neighborhood Watch. We’re alsogoing to get the deputies out in the neighborhoods more.”
Rushing said there will be an emphasis on deputies coming toknow the people they serve, and that he is making changes withinthe department to accommodate that goal.
“We’re making a few personnel changes, and we’re trying tobetter organize the department,” he said. “Our main emphasis willbe on interaction with the public and serving them.”
Rushing also spoke highly of his staff.
“We have a really good crew of officers right now, and we’reworking to instill a very professional attitude in the department,”he said. “I’m certainly here to help them do their jobs in any waypossible and I’m honored to work with all of them.”
Narcotics Investigator John Whitaker, who has been activated bythe military and will leave for Washington, D.C., next week, saidit’s that concern for the community and his employees that seems topoint to successful future in the coming years.
“Steve’s a good person to work with and work for,” he said. “Hereally cares about the people who work under him. He’s got a lot ofpotential.”
Taylor summed up the optimism and potential of the departmentwhen he told them to remember their calling, and to keep their eyeson the future of the department.
“Remember your conduct reflects on your sheriff and on thepeople of Lincoln County,” he told the deputies before he sworethem in. “It’s important that we move forward together now.”