‘Quiet’ holiday reported
Published 6:00 am Thursday, January 2, 2003
A strong presence by law enforcement officers may have been oneof the factors that led to a safe New Year’s holiday in LincolnCounty.
Authorities reported little activity for the holiday periodbeginning Tuesday and ending Wednesday night.
“It looked deserted where normally things are busy and buzzingwith activity,” said Lincoln County Sheriff Lynn Boyte.
Even roadblocks set up throughout the county netted few arrestsas residents appeared to participate in celebrations safely.
The Lincoln County Jail docket showed only two arrests fordriving under the influence and one for public drunk, which iscomparable to most weekdays.
“I was out on the road until about midnight, and it was justdead,” said Boyte.
Activity in the city limits of Brookhaven was also reported asslow for the holidays.
“It was real quiet. We got a few fireworks calls but that wasabout it,” said Brookhaven Police Chief Pap Henderson. “Overall itwas a beautiful holiday. We were real blessed and fortunate thateverything went so well.”
Officers only had to make one arrest for shooting fireworksinside the city limits, which is illegal. Henderson attributes thelack of fireworks to the tough stance the police department hastaken on the loud, potentially dangerous activity during the lastyear.
The state highways and Interstate 55 followed the trend seen inthe county and city on Tuesday and Wednesday with no major activityreported by the local unit of the Mississippi Highway Patrol.
Authorities were unaware of any accidents that were alcoholrelated during the two-day period.
Officers in the neighboring towns of Wesson and Monticello alsoreported a “light holiday” with one public drunk arrest made inMonticello and no arrests made in Wesson.
“The only thing we’ve had so far in 2003 was one ticket forrunning a stop sign. It’s been real nice,” said Steve Carlisle, anofficer with the Wesson Police Department.