Case worker who bilked Medicaid gets jail
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, August 24, 2005
A case manager for Southwest Mississippi Mental Health Center inMcComb was sentenced last week on four counts of Medicaidfraud.
Willie E. Woods was sentenced by Circuit Judge Mike Smith to 20years, with eight years to serve. The remaining twelve years willbe spent on post-release supervision. Woods must pay a $15,000fine, $5,000 to the Victim’s Compensation Fund and all courtcosts.
“I hope this conviction sends a strong message to those that tryto rob our Medicaid system that our office will hunt you down andprosecute you and that the courts will put you away for a longtime,” said Attorney General Jim Hood. Hood’s office prosecuted thecase.
A Pike County jury earlier found woods guilty of four counts ofMedicaid fraud for reporting false charges. Woods had claimed thatone of the Medicaid patients had cancer and required transportationto the Veteran’s Administration Hospital in Jackson for treatment.The alleged patient has never been diagnosed with cancer.
Three of the charges resulted in fraudulent claims for phantomtrips to Jackson where Woods claimed mileage, which was paid bySouthwest and caused the Division of Medicaid to be billed for$1,150 by Southwest. The other fraudulent claim was supposedly toFayette and caused Medicaid to be billed for an additional $150 bySouthwest.