Leaders note growth goal predictions
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Although six of eight schools in Lincoln County failed to meetstate academic growth predictions, administrators say they are notoverly concerned by the failure.
Other area schools posted similar results in MississippiDepartment of Education accountability results releasedrecently.
Only one school met growth predictions in the Lawrence County,Copiah County, Franklin County, McComb and Natchez-Adams schooldistricts. Monticello Elementary, however, exceeded the statepredictions.
“Growth can be deceiving. You can score really well (on mandatedstate testing) and still not meet growth,” said Lincoln CountySchool District Superintendent Terry Brister. “As a leader of anyschool district, a supervisor would love to see growth, but if wedon’t meet growth I’m not shocked or surprised.”
In successful schools, administrators say, growth status issimply an indicator of whether a school is challenging its studentsrather than a quantative measure of achievement.
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