Friday festival has something for all

Published 6:00 pm Thursday, April 14, 2011

As cyclists hit the streets of Brookhaven and Lincoln Countythis weekend for the 10th Annual Mississippi Gran Prix, Fridaynight will offer something for everyone – even those lackingbalance to stay on two wheels.

The Third Annual Mississippi Gran Prix Race Festival, benefitingthe Mississippi-Alabama Chapter of the National Multiple SclerosisSociety, will jumpstart the weekend beginning at 5:30 p.m. inRailroad Park.

“It’s not a giant festival, but when you walk in, there will bethings you’ll love,” said event organizer Joe Fleming.

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Tickets to the festival will cost $10; however food will begiven away for donations. Multiple vendors will be on hand,including the Army National Guard’s rock-climbing wall, jumpingattractions, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries andParks hunting booth and the Lincoln County Sheriff’s DepartmentSWAT team.

However, this year’s event will also give Saints’ fans a chanceto meet members of their cheerleading squad, the Saintsations.Participants will also get to meet Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant, who willbe presented with colors from the Lincoln County Volunteer FireDepartment’s honor guard.

“We like to pump it up,” said Fleming. “We want to make this agreat thing where people want to come for years.”

Fleming said that last year’s festival attracted around 375people, but he expects to draw in about 500 visitors during thefour-hour event this year. He added that the atmosphere gets ravereviews from the competing cyclists.

“These are guys that travel all over the world,” said Fleming.”It’s kind of an honor to hear that people are talking aboutBrookhaven all over the world.”

Local band, The Openers, and The Colonels will keep peopledancing in the streets as they perform for festival-goers and raceenthusiasts.

“When they come, they’re serious,” said Fleming of The Colonels.”They want to rock the crowd.”

New to this year’s festival will be the addition of theMississippi Gran Prix Fun Run, which will take place at 6 p.m. infront of Just Kiddin’.

“We asked if we could do it in conjunction with the bike raceand festival to attract more people and to get (children) active,”said run co-organizer Mendez Vaughn.

Registration for the event is $10, but will include a waterbottle and T-shirt. Part of the proceeds will also be benefitingthe Mississippi-Alabama Chapter of the National Multiple SclerosisSociety.

Children 12 and under will compete against each other accordingto age groups in a race down the street. There will be a boy andgirl overall winner as well as first-, second- and third-placewinners in the various categories. There will be 32 medals givenout in all.

“Running can be fun and especially to kids,” said Vaughn. “Theyusually run everywhere they go.”

Vaughn added that she and fellow organizer Dienna Moak came upwith the idea after visiting a similar run in Jackson. However, shementioned the Brookhaven run has already acquired about 50registered participants, more than the event in Jackson.

“I’m excited about the participation we’re getting,” addedVaughn.

Race day registration will begin at 5 p.m. and end at the startof the event, but those late to register will have to wait toreceive their T-shirt.

Vaughn said she hopes the event will inspire more people tobecome active and attract more spectators to the cyclingcompetition.

“Until you watch it, you do not realize how awesome the bikerace is,” she said.