Students get special lesson from award-winning musician

Published 5:00 am Friday, September 8, 2000

In a world captivated by the Four B’s of Beauty, Bucks, Brainsand Brawn, character comes down to who you are when no one else iswatching, a national recording artist is telling students duringvisits to area schools this week.

Al Denson, Dove Award-winning musician and national TV showhost, told Wesson Attendance Center students Thursday that moralintegrity, and not the 4 B’s, is what makes a person important.

“What makes you important is who you are on the inside,” Densonsaid.

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Denson visited Wesson and Brookhaven schools Thursday and was todeliver his message to Lincoln County schools Friday. At theschools, Denson and fellow musician Jeff Calhoun speak with juniorhigh and high school students while ventriloquist Lesha Campbelldelivers a similar message to elementary students.

Denson’s musical talents will be on display Saturday nightduring a free concert at 7 p.m. in the Wal-Mart Supercenter parkinglot. Free refreshments and games will begin at 5:30 p.m.

Denson focused his message Thursday on character and aspects ofwhat the letters of the word stand for: Courage, Honesty, Attitude,Respect, Abilities, Compassion, Trust, Endurance andResponsibility.

Quizzing students on right and wrong actions, Denson saideveryone always has an excuse when they cross the line and dowrong.

“When you know what is right and you choose to do wrong, that’sa wrong choice,” Denson said.

While encouraging students to make positive choices, Denson alsotalked about the consequences of wrong choices. He said wrongchoices, such as lying or being dishonest, take people farther downthe road than they want to go, keep them involved longer than theywant to stay and cost more than they want to pay.

“There are consequences when you cross the line,” Denson said.”You always compromise your character.”

While most school students will hear Denson’s message oncharacter, he was planning a special talk, “When Tragedy Strikes,”for students at Bogue Chitto. Tragedy struck the school recentlywhen three students were killed in automobile accidents while ontheir way home from church.

Previewing the program, Denson talked about the choices of a”bitter road” and a “better road” for dealing with a tragedy.

“Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how youdeal with it,” Denson said.