Dr. Lillie Laverne Carson Doty
Published 6:00 am Monday, February 24, 2003
Services for Dr. Lillie Laverne Carson Doty of Starkville wereSaturday, Feb. 22, at Grace Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. Doty, 63, died Feb. 19, 2003. She was born in Winona on May8, 1939, to Reese and Ruby Carson.
She was an educator for nearly 40 years. She was a 1956 graduateof Winona High School. She attended Holmes Junior College, whereshe was the feature twirler until 1958. She earned a bachelor’sdegree from Mississippi State University in 1960. She earned doublemaster’s degree in biology and chemistry from Mississippi Collegein 1976, and a doctorate in science education from University ofSouthern Mississippi in 1985.
She taught in schools throughout the state, including BrookhavenHigh School, Starkville High School, Mississippi School forMathematics and Science, and Mississippi State University. Sheconcluded her career at the American School of Lyon in Lyon,France. She served more than 10 years as a swimming and watersafety instructor, and nearly 20 years as a Girl Scout troopleader.
Preceding her in death were her parents; and her son, J. DavidDoty.
Survivors are her husband of 36 years, John Doty of Lexington,Tenn.; her daughters, Rachele Whitehead of Starkville, and Jon AnneDoty of Concord, N.C.; her brothers, Calvin Carson of Raymond,Winston Carson of Winona, Kyle Carson of Jackson, Dorsey Carson ofTylertown, and Barbara Harrison of Ridgeland; her sister, JudyCarson of New Orleans, La.; and two grandchildren; and a host ofnieces and nephews.
Memorials may be sent to the Dr. Lillie L. Doty ScholarshipFund, c/o Bank of Winona, Attn: Sandy Jones, 312 Applegate, Winona,MS 38967.