Arts School focus of Brookhaven Day

Published 6:00 am Friday, January 5, 2001

Chamber of commerce and other officials will be looking to”drive” home the many positive Lincoln County happenings as theyhost state lawmakers for Brookhaven Day at the Capital Tuesday.

Invitations to the noon luncheon at the University Club asklawmakers to “nail” the date on their calendars, and mini-hammerswith the Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce logo will bedistributed at the event. The goal is to promote the idea ofhelping to build the Mississippi School of the Arts, said KayBurton, program director for the chamber.

“Our focus is going to be supporting the school of the arts,plus other things going on in Brookhaven,” Burton said.

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Dr. Vicki Bodenhammer, executive director of the school, willspeak briefly to lawmakers about plans for the school that isscheduled to open in 2002.

“We’re looking forward to the opportunity to interact with theleadership so we can all work together to make the school areality,” Bodenhammer said.

New informational brochures will also be distributed at theluncheon. The brochures were funded through a partnership with thechamber, Entergy and the state Department of Education, Bodenhammersaid.

“It’ll have images of the campus and give basic information onplans, the phase-in and that sort of thing,” Bodenhammer said.

Bodenhammer said the arts school has received tremendous supportfrom the city and the chamber.

“Working with them has been nothing but a pleasure,” Bodenhammersaid, adding that she appreciated the attention the school will getat the luncheon.

Officials are also looking for legislative support of a localand private bill to allow a 2 percent lodging tax for the city andcounty. Tax revenue would fund chamber efforts to boost tourism andretiree development.

The main emphasis, though, will be on the school of thearts.

“It should be a big day for Brookhaven and get Brookhaven andLincoln County’s agenda in front of legislators and get theirassistance in helping the Mississippi School of the Arts be fullyfunded and reach its potential,” said Chandler Russ, executivevice-president.