BLT targets Haven improvements

Published 6:00 pm Friday, October 7, 2011

A longstanding tradition of the BrookhavenLittle Theatre is taking a little different approach this year.

    The BLT will host its membership party Tuesday from 5 to 7 p.m. atthe Haven Theater on West Cherokee Street. Season tickets can bepurchased at the event for $45, and BLT leaders will discuss someof the renovations planned for the Haven’s interior.

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    The renovations will include new light fixtures and paint withinthe auditorium and extensive renovations to the lobby concessionsarea.

    Tuesday’s event will be a bit of a departure from BLTtradition.

    “For decades, it was on a Saturday,” said JoAnna Sproles, presidentof the BLT board of directors.

    This year, though, Sproles said the format will be a come-and-goaffair beginning after business hours.

    The parties date back to the early days of the theater and haveserved as a way to kick-start the play season. The new format isthe culmination of many changes that have occurred to the annualevent

    “It used to be very formal, with tuxes and sequined dresses,”Sproles said.

    Things have grown more casual with the times, though, she said.

    Sproles hopes to sell about 200 season tickets at the Tuesdayevent, but quickly added that 400 would be fantastic.

    That number would approach the theater’s approximately 400 seasontickets sold in 2006 after the Haven’s front exterior wasrenovated.

    Selling 200 would still put the organization well above last year’stotal of less than 100.

    Sproles said the season tickets are important because it gives thetheater an upfront influx of cash, rather than waiting for at thedoor tickets, which bring money in after the major production costshave occurred.

    Sproles identified royalty fees and set construction as the mostexpensive of the BLT’s costs.

    Explaining the renovation plans Tuesday night will also giveSproles a recruitment opportunity for two volunteer works days tobe held at the Haven.

    The works days are scheduled for Oct. 15 and Oct. 22, from 9 2 p.m. both days.

    The renovation projects are divided into two groups: one to be doneprofessionally, and one to be undertaken by volunteers.

    “I’m looking for about a dozen solid volunteers,” Sproles said.

    The volunteer work projects will be focused on the painting withinthe auditorium and the installation of new light fixtures.

    The larger-scale projects within the lobby will be doneprofessionally.

    The first play of the season will be “A Christmas Story.” Showsbegin Dec. 2.

    The other plays in the upcoming season include “Francine’s Will”and  “Nunsense IIIJamboree.”

    Season tickets also include the summer teen production andchildren’s drama camp production.

    Season ticks to the BLT’s season will also be sold at the Ole BrookFestival held Friday and Saturday. They can also be purchased atBrookhaven Music and Sound and at the door of the firstperformance.