Play date for Missoula determined
Published 5:00 am Friday, March 28, 2008
The date for the makeup performance of the Missoula Children’sTheatre performance of “The Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”has been set.
The performance will be held twice on Saturday, April 12, at 3p.m. and 7 p.m., at the Brookhaven High School Auditorium.
The original cast chosen for the performance during Missoula’sinitial visit in January will be used in the play. There will be norecasting.
The original cast will meet on Monday, April 7, at 4 p.m. at theBrookhaven Academy gymnasium to reassemble before one week ofpractice begins.
“That day, the cast members will receive a schedule that willtell them when and where the week’s rehearsals will be,” saidBrookhaven Arts Council Education Committee Chairwoman LawanaLatham.
The original TADs – Missoula tour actor/directors – will not beable to return to Brookhaven, Latham said.
A new pair of TADs, Sharon Viola Patterson and Erin Schrutt,will be on hand to bring the play back up to speed. Patterson is agraduate of the Conservatory at Ahenandoah University, whileSchrutt was educated at Suffolk University in Boston.
The Missoula representatives are returning, free of charge, tofulfill the Montana-based theatrical organization’s commitment fromJanuary, when an overnight storm dropped snow and ice on the countyand forced the cancellation of the play on Jan. 19. The BrookhavenSchool Board decided to close all school facilities for safetyreasons on the day of the performance.
Talks began almost immediately to reschedule the play, and nowthe dates have been finalized.
“Missoula was very cooperative in making their trip back toBrookhaven,” Latham said. “We really didn’t have any problems.”
Any cast members or cast members’ parents may call Latham formore details at 601-320-0077.