Former marines invited to birthday gala
Published 6:00 am Monday, October 28, 2002
The Marines are looking for a few good men and women who servedwith them in the past to help celebrate the 227th birthday of theCorps.
A Marine Corps birthday celebration is planned for 6:30 p.m.Nov. 8 at Fernwood Country Club in McComb, said Bob Reeves, anorganizer of the event.
“I would very much like for any Marine or any service member whowas assigned to a Marine unit, like Navy corpsmen, to come joinus,” Reeves said.
The Corps has a rich tradition of celebrating its birthday withvery formal Marine Corps Balls, Reeves said, but this will not beone of those. Attire for the event will be casual and abuffet-style meal will be served.
“It gives us all a chance to get together, to know one another,”he said. “All Marines belong to the family, even if we are justgetting to know one another.”
The celebration is entering its third year, he said. The firstyear was attended by 36 people. Last year, they drew in 74, hesaid.
Most of the attendees are veterans of a conflict, but someserved during peacetime, Reeves said.
“It’s not when you served or who you served with that’simportant,” he said. “It doesn’t matter if they never servedtogether. They served as Marines.”
The event’s guest speaker is Maj. James D. Christmas, commandingofficer of the New Orleans district recruiting office, whichincludes six states.
Christmas is a good choice for speaker, Reeves said, becauserecruiting is a vital element in keeping the Corps strong.
“It takes people joining the Armed Forces today to ensure we areprepared for the events of tomorrow,” he said.
For more information about the birthday celebration, call Reevesat 783-3293 or write him at 620 W. Holly Street, Magnolia, MS39652.