Woman dies from injuries in accident
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, October 10, 2000
A head-on collision Sunday on Calvary Drive claimed the life ofa Bogue Chitto woman Monday afternoon.
Casey Elizabeth McCaffery, 21, of 334 Calvary Drive, died at3:40 p.m. Monday at University Medical Center in Jackson frominjuries sustained in Sunday’s accident, said Lincoln CountyCoroner-Medical Examiner Morris Henderson.
McCaffery and her husband, Tate, 27, were injured when their1999 Toyota pick up truck hit head-on with a 1994 Dodge Dakota,driven by William C. Case, 51, of 1779 Calvary Drive, about one anda half miles from the Bogue Chitto Road intersection.
Tate McCaffery was transferred to River Oaks Hospital in JacksonMonday, where he is in stable condition. Case is listed in stablecondition in the Intensive Care Unit at King’s Daughter’s MedicalCenter.
An unborn baby, Camie Elizabeth McCaffery, was also a victim ofthe accident. Casey McCaffery was six months pregnant and lost thebaby as a result of serious injuries to the pelvic area.
Brookhaven Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.