City schools receive good audit report

Published 5:00 am Thursday, May 29, 2003

Brookhaven School District got the “thumbs up” Tuesday nightfollowing a recent audit of the district’s finances.

“There are no findings. That’s good news,” said Patrick Lowery,the certified public accountant in charge of the audit.

Lowery audited financial records from the 2001-2002 fiscal year,noting several positives for the district. One of particularinterest was the large amount of money left in the undesignatedfund balance at the end of the year.

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“That’s a little over $1 million and I think that puts you invery good shape,” Lowery told board members during the monthlymeeting.

He also pointed out that the books showed the district’sexpenditures were over the revenue by about $3 million. Heexplained that the number was negative because the district’s bondissue revenue was recorded in a previous year.

Another area Lowery brought to the board’s attention was the newaccounting practice of recording general fixed assets.

“You still got them, they’re still on your book, but we’re nolonger going to account for them on your fixed assets statement,”he said.

After finishing his report, board members nodded their heads inagreement with the audit and moved on to other business.

Purchasing and maintenance items of discussion included theboard’s acceptance of a bid for the purchase and installation of anew football scoreboard for Brookhaven High School.

Superintendent Dr. Sam Bounds showed board members a drawing ofthe new design for the scoreboard.

“We went back and added spaces for advertisements frombusinesses around town,” said Bounds.

The old scoreboard was blown down earlier this year whenstraight-line winds ripped through the BHS campus.

In other matters, Versie Rushing, manager of 16th Section landfor the district, asked the board’s permission to haveapproximately four acres of land re-appraised and leased again. Theland, containing a large radio tower, was leased by the MississippiHighway Patrol, but now the Mississippi Forestry Commission hasinterest in the tower.

“MHP discontinued use of this tower and they’re in the processof transferring it to the forestry commission,” said Rushing,gaining board approval for the re-appraisal.

In personnel matters, board members filled the position leftvacant by long-time employee Miriam Moyer’s retirement. Hired asCulinary Foods and related technology instructor Tuesday was MarthaCloer.

“She comes highly recommended and has been teaching in thatposition in Laurel Public Schools,” said Bounds.

Another position of interest to board members was the additionof a new band instructor, Johnathan Nelson, at Alexander JuniorHigh School. Nelson has served as head band director at ProvineHigh School previously, receiving all-superior ratings.

The meeting came to a close with an executive session on astudent matter. The next school board meeting is scheduled for 6p.m., June 24.