LEADER again looking for Fab 5

Published 8:00 pm Sunday, April 22, 2012

For the second time in 2012, The DAILY LEADER is looking for the “fabulous” folks in our community.

     As we prepare our Summer FOCUS edition of the year, we are asking readers to help us with our second installment of the special section’s “Fab Five.” As we’ve said before and as evidenced by our honorees in the Spring FOCUS edition, fabulous can mean anything from an interesting hobby to outstanding charity work to something special a person does to make the Lincoln County area a better place to live.

     Readers submissions helped select the first group of “Five Five” members and will do so again in the Summer and Fall editions.

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     After publication of the Fall FOCUS, the 15 total “Fab Five” members will be put on a ballot for readers to vote on for our Citizen of the Year for 2012. That person or persons will then be featured in the newspaper edition that will be published the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

     Nomination forms are being printed in daily editions of The DAILY LEADER. They can be returned to the newspaper office or emailed to reide@dailyleader.com before May 21.