Community moving forward with installation of new park water tank
Published 5:00 am Monday, September 22, 2008
In these difficult economic times, the development of LinbrookBusiness Park represents a positive, proactive step by Brookhavenand Lincoln County elected officials and Chamber of Commerceleaders to better position this community for the future.
Last week, a high-profile symbol of community leaders’commitment became part of the Brookhaven skyline. Following itsinstallation, the park’s million-gallon water tank is visible fromBrookway Boulevard, Interstate 55 and some other high-traffic areasof the community.
When viewing the top of the tank above the tree line, citizenswill be reminded of the efforts that are being made to move thiscommunity forward by city and county elected officials. Hopefully,those efforts will pay off in the form of high-paying jobs thatwill be created by businesses that choose to locate in the newpark.
The park is still a ways away from being inhabitable, but road,water and sewer and other infrastructure work is under way towardmaking that happen. The installation of the water tank is proofthat the park project and this community are moving in the rightdirection.