Published 6:00 am Tuesday, January 2, 2001
Cecil Alexander
Services for Cecil Alexander of Jayess were Monday, Jan. 1, atEnon Baptist Church with burial in Jayess Cemetery. CatchingsFuneral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Mr. Alexander, 74, died Dec. 30, 2000, at his residence.
He was a retired electrician and a member of I.B.E.W. BatonRouge Local 995. He was a member of Jayess Baptist Church andattended Enon Baptist Church. He was a 32nd degree Mason and amember of the Jayess Lodge #501. He was a Coast Guard veteran ofWWII.
Preceding him in death were his parents, Dewitt WilliamAlexander and Maggie Ellen Martin Alexander, and two brothers,James Alexander and Hugh White Alexander.
Survivors are his wife, Annie Merle Alford Alexander of Jayess;his daughters, Mona Jean Taylor of Jayess and Molly Ann McGraw ofRuth; his brother, W. P. Alexander of Baton Rouge; his sisters,Charlene Daniels and Sue Herron, both of Pascagoula, Erlene Knowlesof Escatawpa, and Pearline Givens of the Tilton community; and fourgrandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and a special familymember, Jim Alexander of Jayess.
Charles F. Conrad
Services for Charles F. Conrad of Pearl are 2 p.m., Wednesday,Jan. 3, at Wright & Ferguson Funeral Home in Jackson withburial in Lakewood South Cemetery.
Visitation begins at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the funeral home.
Mr. Conrad, 83, died Dec. 31, 2000, at St. Dominic’s Hospital.He was a native of New York and settled in Pearl in 1958.
He was a retired mechanic for International Harvester. He was amember of Paul Truitt Memorial Baptist Church in Pearl.
Survivors are his wife, Ada Conrad of Pearl; his sons, CharlesConrad of Garland, Texas, Ronald Conrad of Brandon and Jerry Conradof Harriman, Tenn.; his sisters, Catherine Proctor of Hicksville,N.Y., Helen McLaughlin of Mineola, N.Y.; Mary Walsh of Jamaica,N.Y., and Terri Bennett of Brookhaven; his brother, Frank Conrad ofSan Bernadino, Calif.; and six grandchildren and onegreat-grandchild.
Earnest William Dillard
Services for Earnest William Dillard of Wesson are 2 p.m.,Wednesday, Jan. 3, at Brookhaven Funeral Home Chapel with burial inSardis Baptist Church Cemetery in Hazlehurst.
Visitation is Tuesday, Jan. 2, from 5-9 p.m. and Wednesday from8 a.m. until service time at the funeral home.
Mr. Dillard, 69, died Dec. 31, 2000, at his residence. He wasborn in Union County on June 12, 1931, to Samuel Dillard and DolaMorgan Dillard.
He was a truck driver. He was a member of the Baptist faith.
Preceding him in death were his parents.
Survivors are his wife, Linnie M. Dillard of Wesson; his sons,Mitchell Dillard of Ecru, and Dennis Dillard and Terry Dillard,both of California; his stepdaughter, Natalie Miller of Wesson; hisbrothers, G. W. Dillard of Ecru, Carl Dillard of Lamar, LightonDillard of Tupelo, Jimmy Dillard of New Albany and Richard Dillardof Horn Lake; his sister, Mary Joyner of Holly Springs; and onestep-grandson.
Hattie Davis Evans
Services for Hattie Davis Evans of Monticello were Monday, Jan.1, at Wilson Funeral Home Chapel with burial in Bethel BaptistChurch Cemetery.
Mrs. Evans, 80, died Dec. 31, 2000, of cancer at her residence.She was born in Monticello on Sept. 9, 1920, to John Bedford Davisand Lula Albritton Davis.
She was a homemaker. She was a member of Bethel BaptistChurch.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husbands, James L.Johnson and Melvin Dewitt Evans; her daughter, Ruth Omelia Tyson;her brother, Eugene B. Davis; her sister, Ruth Wallace; and hergrandchildren, Nancy Darlene Johnson and Maricus “Marc”Johnson.
Survivors are her sons, James L. Johnson and Douglas A. Johnson,both of Monticello, and Paul B. Johnson of Silver Creek; herdaughter, Martha Lou Johnson Ballard of Monticello; her brother,Johnny F. Davis of Abbieville, La.; her sister, Ruby Feduccia ofMonticello; and 12 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to Southern Hearts Hospice.
Shelby Lynn Foster
Graveside services for Shelby Lynn Foster of Brookhaven are 2p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 2, at New Sight Cemetery. Brookhaven FuneralHome is in charge of arrangements.
The infant was born and died Jan. 1, 2001, at King’s DaughtersMedical Center.
Survivors are her parents, Robert C. and Brenda Sue MaloneFoster of Brookhaven; and her grandparents, Troy and Faye Malone ofWesson and Robert and Roena Foster of Brookhaven.
Rita Campbell Mullins
Services for Rita Campbell Mullins of Roxie were 11 a.m.,Tuesday, Jan. 2, at Roxie Baptist Church with burial in RoxieCemetery. Franklin Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Mrs. Mullins, 94, died Dec. 31, 2000, of heart failure atNatchez Community Hospital. She was born in Franklin County onApril 26, 1906, to John Campbell and Nannie Ford Campbell.
She was a retired business owner. She was a member of RoxieBaptist Church and the W.M.U. She was a member of Roxie Chapter#345 Order of Eastern Star.
Preceding her in death were her parents, her husband, foursisters, and six brothers.
Survivors are her stepsons, Walter S. Mullins Jr. and James P.Mullins, both of Natchez; her stepdaughter, Ann Thornhill ofNatchez; and several nieces and nephews.
Memorials may be made to Roxie Baptist Church.
Lether Brister Breeden Simmons
Services for Lether Brister Breeden Simmons of Jackson are 1:30p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 2, at Lakewood Funeral Home South with burialin Lakewood Memorial Park South.
Mrs. Simmons, 84, died Dec. 29, 2000, at Central MississippiMedical Center.
She was a homemaker.
Survivors are her son, Roy L. Breeden of New Orleans; herdaughter, Nina Scruggs of Edwards; her brother, Almon Brister ofBrookhaven; her sisters, Arlo Miller of Madison and Lidia Allen ofBaton Rouge; and two grandchildren.
James Hugh Walker
Services for James Hugh Walker of Yazoo City are 11 a.m.,Thursday, Jan. 4, at Wright & Ferguson in Jackson with burialin Lakewood Memorial Park.
Visitation begins at 9:30 a.m. Thursday at the funeral home.
Mr. Walker, 91, died Dec. 30, 2000, at King’s DaughtersHospital. He was a native of Smithdale and had lived in Jacksonbefore moving to Yazoo City.
He was a retired accountant with Pennzoil Oil Company. He was amember of First Baptist Church in Yazoo City.
Preceding him in death was his wife, Nona Rae Walker.
Survivors are his sons, Jimmy G. Walker of Yazoo City, Gary L.Walker of Austin, Texas, and David Walker of Canyon Lake, Texas;his sisters, Elaine Laird of Fort Walton, Fla., Ruth Moak of BogueChitto, and Lanelle Lewis of Jackson; his brother, Charles L.Walker of Jackson; and seven grandchildren and 23great-grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to Parkway Baptist Church, 802 N. FrontageRd., Clinton MS 39056.
Howard Lambert
Services for Howard Lambert of Monticello are incomplete. Mr.Lambert, 81, died Jan. 2, 2001, at King’s Daughters Medical Center.Wilson Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Mark O’Brien
Services for Mark O’Brien of Metairie, La., are incomplete. Mr.O’Brien, 40, died Jan. 1, 2001, in Deming, N.M. Harrigill FuneralHome is in charge of arrangements.