History museum opening great local achievement
Published 6:00 pm Sunday, March 13, 2011
History abounds in downtown Brookhaven, and now visitors haveanother venue in which to celebrate this community’s richpast.
On Friday, the Lincoln County Historical and Genealogical Societycelebrated the opening of the Lincoln County Historical andGenealogical Museum and B’nai Sholom Jewish Heritage Museum on WestChickasaw Street. Artifacts and mementos in the museum celebrateLincoln County’s history and the influence of Jewish heritage inthe community.
The society deserves a major round of applause for not only theirefforts in creating and opening the museum, but also in how quicklyall of it came together. The society organized in late 2008 andnow, a little more than two years later, it has a place to callhome and a place to educate future generations about the county’sgreat past.
In a way, the museum could serve as the culminating component of adowntown walking tour that would allow other glimpses into thecommunity’s past.
The historic buildings on the Whitworth College campus allowvisitors to recall the glory days of yesteryear and the present-dayexcitement of the Mississippi School of the Arts. Markers aroundthe campus also educate visitors about the buildings, trees andother beautification efforts.
A short walk up Cherokee Street takes one to the Military MemorialMuseum. Formed several years ago, the museum features warmemorabilia donated by veterans and others who are proud of thiscommunity’s military history.
Farther down Whitworth Avenue is the Foster-Smith Log Cabin. Once aperennial stop on the Tour of Homes, the structure provides asnapshot of the past and what life was like during the log cabindays.
The new history museum encapsulates a wide range of aspects ofLincoln County’s history. From business to sports to religion, manyfacets are part of the museum’s displays.
The museum’s opening represents a proud moment in Lincoln County’shistory – and for its future.