Paving work will close airport
Published 5:00 am Thursday, April 8, 2004
The Brookhaven airport will be closed beginning Sunday night inpreparation for a runway paving project starting Monday, cityofficials said.
Manager Boyce Bullock said the airport will be closed atmidnight. The airport is scheduled to be closed for about a month,he said.
“We’re counting on this being through in 30 days,” Bullock said,although he acknowledged the possibility of it taking longer.
In December, aldermen awarded a $441,341 bid to Dickerson andBowen for an overlay of the 5,000-feet long, 75-feet wide runway.Bullock said the paving would take a week or so, followed by atwo-week curing process and striping.
Also, City Engineer Carl Ray Furr said remaining FederalAviation Administration funds would be used to construct a fencearound the airport’s perimeter. He said the city was awaiting FAAapproval of those plans and a contract for the work.
Furr also updated aldermen on several other pending projectsduring Tuesday’s board meeting.
A handicap accessibility study has been completed, and adowntown street paving project is about ready to begin, hesaid.
“We ought to be able to advertise in two to three weeks,” Furrsaid.
Furr added, though, that warm weather is needed.
“We’ve had some problems putting down asphalt in cool weather,”the engineer said.
Furr said the goal will be to close only one street a day duringthe project. He said crews would work with Traffic Supervisor JimmyFurlow and the media to keep the public advised of streetclosings.
“We’re going to make strict on when they can do it and where,”Furr said about paving crew oversight.
Engineers said temporary striping could be done once a street ispaved. However, permanent striping will not be done until at least14 days later after the asphalt cures.
Furr reported progress on a design for a new warehouse buildingfor a local industry.
“The final design of that is well under way,” Furr said of theSola Fide building to be constructed in the industrial park.
However, Ward Four Alderman Bob Massengill said Sola Fide ownerBert Carolla had voiced concerns about plans not being ready byTuesday’s meeting. Massengill said Carolla cited rising steelprices as one factor.
“He says it’s costing him every day this is not getting done,”Massengill said.
Furr said it was impossible to get needed soil boringinformation earlier.
Also, lighting for city intersections along Interstate 55continues to get aldermen’s attention. Ward One Alderman DorseyCameron questioned Furr about progress.
“It’s not a high priority with MDOT, but we’re working on it,”Furr said.
City officials said other communities, like McComb, had receivedlights. Furr said he would relay Brookhaven officials’ desires toMDOT officials and Southern Transportation Commissioner WayneBrown.