Authorities find drugs, prostitution during sting

Published 5:00 am Friday, August 8, 2008

Some visitors to a local motel were apparently getting more thana good night’s sleep, according to local law enforcementofficials.

Three Brookhaven men and a Wesson woman were arrested Thursdaynight on various charges, including drug sales and solicitation ofprostitution, after members of the Southwest Mississippi NarcoticsEnforcement Unit and the Department of Alcohol Beverage Controlexecuted a raid on a room in the motel.

Brookhaven Police Chief Pap Henderson said SMNEU agents from BPDand the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department had gatheredinformation on alleged illegal activity going on at the motel,which officials declined to name.

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“We set up this sting operation at the motel because we hadgathered information on illegal activities that were going on, andwe wanted to put a stop to it,” Henderson said. “SMNEU headed it upand they did a fantastic job.”

Henderson said officers had originally gone in search of drugactivity. But in the course of the events, evidence was foundimplicating Rebecca Brooks, 42, of Wesson, in solicitation ofprostitution.

“We weren’t aware of that situation,” Henderson said. “That cameabout during the investigation.”

Henderson said the city also had a local warrant on Brooks forviolation of a probation fine. However, he said the other chargesagainst Brooks were rather rare for Brookhaven.

“We don’t see prostitution charges at all around here,” hesaid.

SMNEU Commander Tim Vanderslice said from his experience it’snot uncommon to find prostitution in concert with drug rings.

“Because once you put drugs in there, oftentimes prostitution’sgoing to follow,” he said.

SMNEU agents were in town to serve some indictments and oldwarrants as well as executing the operation Thursday evening,Henderson said. The narcotics team began planning on the raidearlier that day.

“We actually started the operation early yesterday after lunchto set things up,” Henderson said. “We knew we had goodintelligence, so the guys took their time to get it set up.”

Vanderslice said there had already been at least threeundercover drug deals made by his agents from the motel inquestion.

“There were three sales that came from the motel that we hadbought with undercover agents. Then it led into the prostitution,then that led us into a guy that we were looking for on anindictment,” he said, adding it just shows how often people in thedrug trade are all connected.

Marshall L. Blount, 40, of Brookhaven, allegedly was the brainsbehind the drug sale operation that agents had originally targetedin the sting, officials said.

Cleaning up rings like the one at the local motel is importantfor the safety and well-being of the community, Vanderslicesaid.

“It’s not right or fair to the business people that stay there,or for the city of Brookhaven, to have this kind of thing goingon,” he said.

According to the Lincoln County Jail docket, arrests at themotel Thursday night included:

* Blount, 40, Lincoln Inn Room 113, charged with sale ofcocaine.

* Brooks, 42, 1022 Memory Lane, Wesson, charged with sale ofcocaine, conspiracy to sell cocaine and solicitation ofprostitution.

* Jarvis Hunt, 20, America’s Best Inn, charged with possessionof less than an ounce of marijuana.

* Jimmy L. Townes, 35, 310 Greenwood Lane SE, charged withconspiracy to sell crack cocaine and possession of crackcocaine.