Arts school students put work on display at library
Published 6:00 pm Friday, March 25, 2011
The intricate black and white picture was made with nothing morethan charcoal and an eraser. Upon further investigation, the eyedissects the patterns and lines of the enlarged image and discoversa shark tooth necklace.
Marlee Hawkins, a senior at the Mississippi School of the Arts,drew the detailed painting for a visual arts assignment within twoweeks. She said she chose to draw the organic jewelry, which was agift from her brother, to fulfill her class project because she wasuncertain of what to do with her future, and family was the onething she was always certain of.
“When I wore that around my neck all the time, it was like hewas around,” she said.
MSA students and the Brookhaven community were invited to learnthe stories behind some of the art that hangs in theLincoln-Lawrence-Franklin Regional Library’s meeting room at thearts school’s annual visual arts exhibit on Thursday.
“I think that our kids benefit from (the display) by having totalk about their artwork and the process they took while creatingit,” said MSA Principal Jana Perry.
Perry added that she thinks the display allows students to gothrough the exhibit process, display works of art for the communityand see their work in a more professional setting.
More than 50 pieces, which were selected by the visual artsteachers at MSA, blanket the walls of the library’s meeting room.Pieces include photography, paintings, sculptures and mixedmedia.
“We try to have something from every student, and we try toselect the best of what they’ve produced,” said visual arts teacherAnne O’Hara.
Perry and O’Hara think the school helps foster creativity forthe young artists. The school assists students in putting theirideas on paper and creating an atmosphere conducive to advancingstudents’ abilities.
“When they come to us for auditions their work is limited,” saidPerry. “Over the two years at MSA their growth is incredible.”
Progression seemed to be on the mind of MSA student Eric Arvizo.The senior inspected a self-portrait he drew while a junior at thearts school with discontent.
“I’ve done better,” he said. “I like it considering it was lastyear.”
School officials hope area residents take a peek at some of thework their students have created. O’Hara said the school wants tofeel part of the neighborhood and thinks the display gives thecommunity a chance to get to know the arts school a littlebetter.
“I think many of them are curious about what we do and we liketo feel like we contribute to the community in a positive way,” shesaid.
Even the exhibit, which will be on display at the library forthe remainder of March, is a work of art. O’Hara mentioned makingsure the presentations were at proper heights, arranging the piecesby like colors and balancing the sizes of displays.
“Bringing it down is not nearly as bad as putting it up,” shejoked.