New budget set for county school district
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, July 3, 2001
An almost $16 million budget was approved Monday by the LincolnCounty School District Board for the upcoming school year.
An almost $16 million budget was approved Monday by the LincolnCounty School District Board for the upcoming school year.
The budget, which was presented during a hearing in June,consists of $15,085,908 in expenditures and $15,139,662 in revenueduring the 2001-2002 school year.
Since no objections were stated at the public hearing or duringlast night’s meeting, the board adopted the budget and moved on toother business in a short monthly meeting.
“It looks OK to me,” said board secretary Jerry Coon, as he madea motion on it.
In the budget, officials are asking for approximately $150,000more from local sources to help finance overall spending plans. Ofthe $15.1 million, $2.05 million, or 13.6 percent, is expected fromlocal sources in the form of property taxes.
While in the area of financial matters, the district’s newbusiness manager, Sheryl Shelby, updated board members on herattempts to organize the district’s finances.
She has been working closely with area principals to improvecommunication about budgets.
“I plan to send them a monthly report of what they’ve spent andhow much money they have left so there’s a clear understanding ofwhere they are,” she told the board.
Superintendent of Education Perry Miller complimented Shelby onher efforts over the last three weeks to keep the school districton the right track.
“She is really trying to learn all she can about how weoperate,” said Miller. “She even took our policy manual home andread it in a week.”
In other matters, school board members accepted hiringrecommendations for several new teachers.
A new West Lincoln boys basketball coach has still not beenselected with just a month left until the beginning of school. Theposition was left vacant when long-time coach Jason Case was hiredas the new principal.
The board will not meet again until August 6, due to lack ofmatters to meet about, said Miller. The meeting will be held at5:30 p.m. in the central office board room on Monticello Street,and is open to the public.