Rescue league offers 2-for-1 cat adoptions
Published 6:06 pm Thursday, September 2, 2010
Cats are a lot of things: They’re companions, pets, friends andpest control.
Plus, this month, they’re two for the price of one at theBrookhaven Animal Rescue League. So that means when you adoptAngelina, you can also take home her little friend Augie, andthere’s automatically the instant fun of romping, rolling kittensin the privacy of your own home.
And it doesn’t cost you a penny more to adopt them both throughthe month of September.
While many experts will say that cats and kittens acclimate bestwhen acquired in pairs, that’s just a perk of the promotion. BARLvolunteer Christie Cook said the shelter is simply overloaded withcats right now, and they have another 80 or so on the waitinglist.
“Cats are loving and affectionate and good companions,” shesaid. “They’re good for old people or children or just aboutanyone.”
Cook has several cats at her own home, and said she has dogstoo, but that she derives special pleasure from being a catowner.
“They’re good company, good stress relievers, I think they’rethe best things you can have,” she said. “Each one has its ownpersonality. There are no two cats that are just alike.”
When an adoptive family comes in to pick out a cat or two, Cooksaid, sometimes it’s a mutual selection process.
“We kind of let them choose,” she said. “The pet will oftenchoose for them.”
But prospective owners can also almost custom order their catsor kittens, too.
“An owner will call us and say they want one that wants to beheld, or one that’s a good mouser, or one that’s playful,” shesaid. “There are some that do better with children than others, andthere are some that are very outgoing, like Augie.”
Then she indicated Lacy, a black female that sat atop the large,compartmental cat home apparatus.
“This one will just sit and talk to you,” she said.
Cook said anyone interested in adopting cats from BARL isinvited to call 601-757-4367 and leave a message if there’s noanswer.
It costs $50 to adopt a cat, and all that includes up-to-datevaccinations, deworming, and spaying or neutering. All animalsadopted through BARL are also eligible for FREE pet healthinsurance.
Meanwhile, Cook also said that if adoption is not a possibility,but someone is interested in helping out, the center has a severeneed for scoopable cat litter, cat food, and other cat needs.