Five seeking charity charged with fraud

Published 5:00 am Thursday, October 6, 2005

Five people have been arrested on charges of attempting todefraud the American Red Cross.

Lawrence County Sheriff Joel Thames two people were arrestedMonday, two Tuesday and a fifth Wednesday while allegedly filingfalse claims at the nonprofit’s regional center in Monticello. Thecomputer screening showed the five had already received disasterfunds from the charitable agency at other locations.

Dianne Johnson, 48, of 220 Country Club Drive, Natchez; HattieLyles, 44, of 8 Case St., Natchez; Candice Hylender, 22, of 483Solgrubbs Road, Mendenhall; Christopher Allen, 28, of 2221 PilgrimRest Road, Magnolia; and Edwin L. Anderson, 31, of 408 N. FourthSt., Brookhaven, have all been charged with false pretense forattempting to receive disaster funds through fraudulent means,Thames said.

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Anderson also was charged with possession of marijuana andpossession of a firearm by a convicted felon after he consented toa search of his vehicle following the arrest, Thames said.

“These funds are available for people who need them,” thesheriff said. “It’s frustrating when people try to obtain thesefunds fraudulently. Fraud has evidently been rampant around theSouth, and I hope it will not leave a bad taste in people’s mouthswhen they go to donate.”

Johnson and Lyles were released on a $3,000 bond, Thames said.Hylender, Allen and Anderson are scheduled for an initial hearingtoday.