Higher insurance premiums was financially sound choice

Published 5:00 am Monday, September 19, 2005

The Brookhaven Board of Aldermen last week wisely acknowledgedfinancial reality and chose to pass along some of the increase inthe cost of health insurance to city employees.

City employees, who for years have benefited from a pluminsurance policy with relatively low premiums and deductibles, willnow shoulder more of the cost themselves. Cutting city expenses bysharing the cost of insurance with employees is sound public policyand a positive step.

Deductibles will rise from $250 to $500 per year, and the costof dependent medical coverage will jump from $50 to $150 per monthwith an additional $25 for dependent dental care. While these mayseem like steep increases to stomach all at once, city workers’insurance costs still will not be out of line with what most whowork for private employers pay for their coverage.

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The choice to raise rates boils down to a business decision thathad to be made to preserve the system for all. That aldermen madethe responsible decision while fully aware of the political heat itmay bring is encouraging.

We salute city officials for doing the right thing.