Banquet honors Cougar athletes
Published 5:00 am Monday, May 10, 2004
WESSON — Brookhaven Academy honored its athletes Thursday nightwith an awards banquet at the Billy B. Thames Center on the Co-Lincampus.
Headmaster Dan R. Boyce presented the Cougar Leadership Award toseniors Alex Davis and Hannah Estess.
Receiving Most Valuable Player honors were Amber Beeson in girlsfastpitch softball, Alex Davis and Jonathan Winborne in boysbasketball, Cole Hodges in baseball, Emily Langley in track, DustyBratton and Price Sessums in track, Ben Rowley and Anna C. Moak intennis and John Rushing in golf.
BA girls basketball coach Barry Gray and the Lady Cougarbasketball team received a standing ovation for going undefeatedand capturing the Overall State title.
Gray announced that the girls decided not to give out individualawards this year and Gray supported their decision. Instead ofawards, Gray and his assistants presented the girls with a teamplaque and a 7-minute video highlighting the exceptional yearincluding camp clips, newspaper clippings and game actionclips.
Coaches from other sports presented awards and talked abouttheir teams and their accomplishments.
Athletes in other sports such as cheerleading and dance wereawarded certificates or medallions.
BA Athletic Banquet Awards
Cougar Leadership Awards – Hannah Estess, AlexDavis
Football – All-District Awards, Collins Case,Jonathan Watts, Chris Falvey, Eric Terry, Landon Magee. Co-CaptainsAward, Landon Magee, Collins Case, Jonathan Watts. Most ValuableOffensive Lineman, Wade Calcote. Most Valuable Offensive Back,Dusty Bratton. Most Valuable Defensive Back – Jonathan Watts. MostValuable Defensive Lineman, Chris Falvey.
Fastpitch softball – Stolen Bases, JessicaHart. Highest Batting Average, Emily Langley. Sportsmanship Award,Maddie Allen. Defensive Award, Katie Watson. Most Valuable Player,Amber Beeson.
Soccer – South District All-Stars, MalloryLogan, Sara Beth Allred.
Boys basketball – Senior Leadership, LandonMagee. Best Rebounder, Seth Davis. Best Defensive Player, JeremyWinborne. Best Offensive Player, Cole Hodges. Most Valuable Player,Jonathan (J.M.) Winborne.
Baseball – Scholar Athlete, Jonathan Strong.Team Captain, Eric Terry. Senior Captain, Hunter Posey. BestOffensive Player, Trey Allred. Most Valuable Player/All-District,Cole Hodges.
Track – Most Outstanding Girl, Emily Langley.Most Outstanding Boy, Dusty Bratton, Price Sessums.
Tennis – Cougar Award, Jerrod Rayborn. TeamCaptains, Chris Hooper, Hannah Estess. Hustle Award, Collins Case.Most Valuable Girl, Anna C. Moak. Most Valuable Boy, BenRowley.
Golf – Most Improved, Hunter Wilson. MostValuable Player, John Rushing.