Community marks Independence Day with early event
Published 5:00 am Thursday, July 2, 2009
Monticello will ring in Independence Day a little early – withfireworks and games and a parade, and even a watermelonseed-spitting contest.
Mayor Dave Nichols said the event, which starts on Friday at 6p.m. at Cooper’s Ferry Park, will be a chance for the Monticelloand Lawrence County community to get together and celebrate. But itis also a time of fun for surrounding counties as well.
“We’re very pleased to have this event, obviously,” he said.”This is about six or seven years that we’ve done this downtown.We’re a community that when we want to do something, we just cometogether to do it. This truly is a time of family fun.”
Chamber of Commerce Administrative Assistant Gay McElroy saidthere will be a parade at 7 p.m., with bicycles and tricycles andwagons, and there will be prizes for the best decorations. Therewill also be live music with an open mike, and people can bringtheir guitars or soundtracks to show the crowd their “unsung”talent.
“The town and the Monticello Merchants Association do this everyyear, but usually we have the fireworks on the Fourth,” McElroysaid. “This is the first time we’ve done it on the third.”
Nichols said the free event is put together by civicorganizations and city entities, expressly to make sure that thepublic gets to celebrate the Fourth the best way possible.
“The Civitan Club and the Exchange Club step up to the plate andsponsor the fireworks, myself and the board of aldermen sponsor thewatermelon eating and seed-spitting contest,” he said, adding thatthe Tobacco-Free Coalition has prizes for those events.
Meanwhile, the Monticello Merchants Association sponsorsinflatable jumpers for the children.
“The only thing you pay for is the hamburgers and hotdogs anddrinks the Lions Club is selling,” Nichols said. “It’s a cheapsupper and a lot of entertainment, then there’ll be a fireworksshow for about 12 to 15 minutes. We think this is one of the bestlittle events around.”