Weekend celebration will recognize town’s founding

Published 5:00 am Friday, April 24, 2009

WESSON – Hundreds will flood the streets of Wesson tonight andSaturday to celebrate the town’s birth during the 20th anniversaryof Founders Day.

Events kick off at 7 p.m. tonight with a street concertfeaturing gospel artists By Faith, New Again Band and Practicedowntown on Highway 51.

“We’re excited about the three local gospel groups. They’re allfrom Copiah County,” said Marilyn Britt, public relationschairwoman for the Wesson Chamber of Commerce.

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Events will reopen Saturday with a full day of activities forboth the young and old. Highlights of the day’s events include aparade, the second annual Backyard BBQ Cook-Off, Deal or NoDeal-style games and more entertainment.

The parade will line up in the Sunflower parking lot at 10:30a.m. for an 11 a.m. journey through downtown Wesson. Everyone isinvited to participate in the parade, Britt said.

“We’re celebrating Wesson so anyone who wants to is welcome tojoin the parade,” she said. “There is no entry form required. Wewant as many people involved in the parade as possible.”

One of last year’s favorite events makes a return Saturday withcookers firing up their grills for the Backyard BBQ. This year’sfeatured meat is pork ribs and chicken leg quarters.

Professional cooking contest judges have been brought into townfor the cook-off, which features professional barbecue cooks aswell as local favorites. Twelve teams have already registered forthe cook-off. Last year, local favorite Chad Ainsworth capturedthird place behind two professional grillers.

“A lot of the cookers let people sample throughout the day, butthat’s not required,” said Sandy Ray, a chamber board member.”However, it does help them with the Showmanship Award.”

The streets will be lined with vendors selling a variety ofwares, Britt said. More than 50 vendors have already committed tothe event.

“We’re still getting a lot of application requests,” she said.”A lot of people will wait until the last minute.”

There will be a live microphone throughout the day withscheduled entertainment to begin shortly around 4:45 p.m. with alineup that includes Kent Miller, Jordan Nettles, DixielandCloggers, Heather McKenzie and Ghosttown.