Back in the land of good news
Published 6:00 pm Sunday, June 12, 2011
I’m baaack!
Not that I’ve gone anywhere. I’m still here.
As a few of you know, last July I took another position here atthe newspaper – graphics/systems director. I still hold thatposition but I’m adding another hat to my collection. It’s an oldhat – the hat of Lifestyles editor.
In addition to my current duties, I’m taking back over theLifestyles section and I couldn’t be happier.
You wouldn’t believe all of the questions and remarks I’vereceived over the last 10 months or so while I was in the GraphicsDepartment:
“So, where are you working now?”
“I heard you moved out of town.”
“So, how are you liking your new job at the (insert name ofnewspaper here)?”
“I know you, you used to work at the newspaper.”
“You look familiar, and I should know you.”
“Miss seeing you in the paper.”
I’m sure there are many other comments, but you get theidea.
When I took the other position, it was with a littletrepidation.
I loved what I was doing, but I also needed a little bit ofchange. I was also honored that the publisher offered me the newposition and had faith in me that I could do the new job and run adepartment, even though I was really out of touch with the newergraphics technologies. But I had the management background, and thebasics and I was more than willing to work hard and learn my newduties.
I hesitated because I had spent the last six or seven years ineditorial and before that it was advertising and circulation. Ithad been a long time since I had worked in graphics, although itwas the department I started out in way back in 1981.
And I’ve got to say: The new position is working outwonderfully. There have been a few bumpy days, but I’ve learned alot over the past year and gained back a perspective on the innerworkings of the newspaper. I also enjoy working with the staff inthe Graphics Department. They’re some creative folks and havebecome like my second family.
I’m ecstatic that I’m also now getting to return to theLifestyles desk. I said when I left that position it was probablyone of the best jobs in the entire building. I still stand bythat.
I get to help celebrate when people get engaged and thenmarried. I celebrate again when they have children or reach ananniversary.
I then get to smile when those same children celebrate theirfirst birthdays.
It’s all happy news.
I also get to work with some wonderful community columnists andfind out about the goings-on in several of the areacommunities.
I also thoroughly enjoy receiving news from the various clubsaround town. Some are purely recreational in membership, whileothers have agendas and are more service-oriented. I’m glad I’ll behere to help pass on their news and photographs.
One of my favorite items in Lifestyles is Scene About Town. Keepsending in your snapshots and family photos. I get so manycompliments and comments about that feature in the Lifestylessection. And let’s face it, we all love to see our children andgrandchildren in the newspaper and so do they.
Just about every time I get my camera out around thegrandchildren, they ask if I’m going to put the pictures in thenewspaper.
So, continue sending me all your good news. I want to hear aboutit.
I’m happy to back at the Lifestyles desk. Let me know if thereis something I can help you with.
And how was your week?
Lifestyles Editor Tammie Brewer can be reached at The DAILYLEADER at (601) 833-6961 ext. 144, by e-mail or you can write to her at P.O. Box 551,Brookhaven MS 39602.