Drug charge nets max prison time
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, October 23, 2001
A Brookhaven man got the maximum sentence Monday after beingconvicted last week on a drug charge in Lincoln County CircuitCourt.
William E. “Bill” Cannon, 44, of 434 Greenwood Lane, received a30 year sentenced with no probation or suspended from Judge MikeSmith. Cannon was convicted of the unlawful possession of crystalmethamphetamine with intent to distribute.
The charge came from a March 26 incident where Cannon appearedincoherent while being questioned by authorities after beingstopped for a traffic violation, according to testimony in thetrial.
Cannon’s attorney, Kevin Camp of Jackson, said last week that heplanned to appeal the jury’s findings.
In another unrelated drug case, Kelly Thomas Melton, 18, of 1298George Trail, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute crystalmethamphetamine, unlawful possession of at least 0.1 grams but lessthan two grams of methamphetamine, unlawful possession of twodosage units of Alprozolam, unlawful possession of less than 0.1grams of methamphetamine and unlawful possession of less than 30grams of marijuana, court officials said.
Melton is scheduled to be sentenced on those charges Tuesday incircuit court.
Other circuit court action Monday included jurors finding AzaBanks, 20, of 317 East Congress Street, not guilty of a May 17robbery charge after only about 20 minutes of deliberation.
Charges against Howard Kelly, 46, of 926 Old Brook Road, werelessened to misdemeanor simple assault, to which he pleaded guilty.Kelly had faced charges of kidnapping, burglary of a dwelling,attempted sexual battery and possession of a firearm by a convictedfelon, Circuit Court Clerk Terry Lynn Watkins said.
“His other charges will dropped,” she added.