3 sentenced in ‘very light’ court day
Published 5:00 am Monday, June 24, 2002
Three defendants facing felony charges went before the judgeFriday for sentencing in Lincoln County Circuit Court, officialssaid.
Two defendants had drug charges against them while a third wasfacing a failure to support minor children charge.
“Two of them pled today and were sentenced,” said Circuit ClerkTerry Case Watkins, adding that third person had pleaded guiltyearlier in the week. “It was a very light day.”
Richard Butler, 47, of 624 Warren St., McComb, was ordered toserve the first two months of a four-year sentence on a possessionof cocaine charge.
The remainder of Butler’s sentence was to be served under postrelease supervision. He was also ordered to pay a $500 fine and$1,500 restitution.
Butler had been indicted on a charge of possession more than onegram of cocaine. However, he pleaded guilty Friday after theindictment was amended to a charge of less than one gram ofcocaine.
Also facing a drug charge was Joshua David Cole, 28, of 210Lottie St. He pleaded guilty Monday to possession of more than oneounce, but less than a kilogram of marijuana.
Cole was ordered to serve the first six months of a three-yearsentence, with the remainder under post release supervision. He wasalso ordered to pay a $2,000 fine and $50 restitution, to attendAlcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous meetings one a week for ayear, and to perform 200 hours of community service work.
Tobias Dillon, 31, of 3709 Wosley Trail, pleaded guilty Fridayto failure to support minor children. Dillon’s guilty plea waswithheld under a state law governing certain circumstances.
Dillon was placed under non-adjudicated probation for five yearsor until back child support is paid in full. His non-adjudicatedstatus was conditioned on his paying $1,389 restitution and a $100fine.