Published 5:00 am Wednesday, August 23, 2000

Mary Anne Brennan Services for Mary Anne Brennan of Brookhavenare 11 a.m., Thursday, Aug. 24, at Edgewood, 412 Storm Avenue, withburial in the Catholic Cemetery.

Visitation is Thursday, Aug. 24, from 10-11 a.m. at Edgewood.Brookhaven Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Miss Brennan, 70, died Aug. 22, 2000, at her residence. She wasborn in Brookhaven on March 13, 1930, the youngest child of EdwardFrancis Brennan and Marcelle O’Rorke Brennan. She attended St.Francis of Assisi Catholic School and was a graduate of BrookhavenHigh School in 1948, where she was voted wittiest girl in her classand was a member of Star Club.

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She was secretary to the president of Whitworth College andlater served 25 years with the DAILY LEADER. She was a member ofSt. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church.

Preceding her in death were her parents; and her brothers,Edward Francis Brennan III, who died in youth, and Charles E.Brennan, who died in 1997.

Survivors are her sister, Marcelle “Sis” Brennan of Brookhaven;and a host of other relatives.

Memorials may be made to Southern Hearts Hospice inBrookhaven.

Louis Leonard Posey Services for Louis Leonard Posey ofWhitfield were 11 a.m., Wednesday, Aug. 23, at Union Church BaptistChurch in Jefferson County with burial in Union Church Cemetery.Brookhaven Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

Mr. Posey, 69, died Aug. 21, 2000, of heart failure at WhitfieldGeneral Hospital. He was born in Haynesville, La., on Dec. 19,1930, to Ike Posey and Permelia Wooten Posey.

He was disabled. He was a member of Union Church BaptistChurch.

Preceding him in death were his parents; his brother, Wesley E.Posey; and his sister, Eva Bess Posey.

Survivors are his brother, Lonnie G. Posey of Alexandria, La.;and his sisters, Joycelyn P. Crossland of Houston, Texas, andCarrie Nell P. Ford of Brandon.

Mary Idell Anderson Smith

Services for Mary Idell Anderson Smith of Brookhaven were 10a.m., Wednesday, Aug. 23, at McCall Creek Church of God with burialin the church cemetery. Brookhaven Funeral Home was in charge ofarrangements.

Mrs. Smith, 89, died Aug. 21, 2000, of pneumonia at King’sDaughters Medical Center. She was born in McCall Creek on Feb. 20,1911, to Charlie E. Anderson and Florence Cotton Anderson.

She was a homemaker. She was a member of McCall Creek Church ofGod.

Preceding her in death were her parents; and her daughter,Jonell Smith Case.

Survivors are her husband, Marshall Sam Smith of Brookhaven; hersons, Marshall Kenneth Smith of McCall Creek and Douglas Smith ofHattiesburg; and eight grandchildren and 17great-grandchildren.