Home buyout program OK’d, mayor says
Published 6:00 am Thursday, February 9, 2006
The city’s application to participate in a home buyout programfor several flood-prone residences has been approved, Mayor BobMassengill said Tuesday.
“It has taken a long time, but we are there,” Massengill saidduring Tuesday’s board meeting.
“All right,” said Ward Three Alderwoman Mary Wilson, in whoseward the project will be focused.
The program, through the Mississippi Emergency ManagementAgency, will allow homes in flood-prone areas on Center Street andSaint George Street to be purchased so residents can get out of thebad situation. On a 75 percent state and 25 percent local matchbasis, the homes would be bought for their appraised values and theland not used again.
Massengill said he expects to have written approval of thecity’s application later this week. In a related matter, aldermenapproved a $6,000 survey to determine boundaries for theprogram.
“We’ll have the survey done here as soon as we can,” the mayorsaid.
In other activity, aldermen accepted the Whispering Oakssubdivision at the end of South Jackson Street for citysupervision. Following construction by private developers, the citywill oversee and maintain streets, water and sewer infrastructureand a lift station in the area.
Also Tuesday, aldermen approved a new policy regarding the useof city vehicles by city employees and another regardingreplacement of city sidewalks. The vehicle policy prohibitsunauthorized personnel from riding in the city cars and prohibitsemployees from using them for personal use.
The sidewalk policy sets out guidelines for determining when thecity will replace the pedestrian walkways. Traffic, either on footor bicycles, will be a primary consideration in the decision-makingprocess.