Woman reported missing

Published 5:00 am Thursday, August 22, 2002

MONTICELLO — Relatives of a former Jayess resident are seekinghelp in locating her.

Jolyn Armstrong, 26, of Collins, disappeared on July 13.Armstrong has red hair, stands about 5’6″ tall and weighs about 150lbs., according to her sister, Marlo Bourn of Enon.

She was last seen by a couple she had been staying with inCollins, Bourn said. The couple told Bourn they thought she wasgoing to the store to purchase cigarettes.

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“She just got in her vehicle and left. They don’t know where shewas going,” Bourn said.

Bourn said the family initiated the search in Collins becausethat is where Armstrong had been staying. The Collins PoliceDepartment has developed no leads.

The Columbia Police Department has since joined theinvestigation, but they have also not developed any leads, Bournsaid. Columbia became involved because Armstrong worked at Jack’sSandwich Shop downtown and her employers were worried abouther.

“The investigation hasn’t found any leads through her friends,”Bourn said.

The Mississippi Highway Patrol took an interest and joined thecase Monday, she said. The family is hoping they may findsomething.

“It’s been a tough situation to live with,” Bourn said.

Armstrong lived in Jayess from 1996 to 2001, she said. She alsoowns a mobile home in the Enon Community on Old Bethel Road nearBourn’s home and that of her brother, Greg Armstrong.

Her parents and two other brothers live in Texas and anotherbrother lives in Louisiana. Bourn said they have not seen hereither.

One consistent thread of possible good news, Bourn said, is thatsince there are no leads, they can hope she is OK.

“As of now, they have found absolutely no reason to suspect foulplay,” Bourn said.

Investigators have told the family that it is possible herdisappearance was by her own design because of the lack of leads,Bourn said. Although continuing to seriously investigateArmstrong’s disappearance, they said she may have wanted todisappear.

“I can understand that,” Bourn said, “but I want to know mysister is safe.”

Trustmark Bank has established the Jolyn Armstrong MissingPerson Fund to offset any future costs of the search, Bournsaid.

“This fund is for us to be able to hire a private investigatorand cover other costs, such as flyers, after the next few weeks ifthe local agencies still haven’t found her,” she said.

To report a sighting, contact your local law enforcementagency.