Greer gives up job coaching Wesson
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, December 17, 2003
WESSON — Ronald Greer said he felt God’s influence on his life,leading him to the ministry. That led to Greer’s decision to stepdown from his head football coaching job at Wesson.
Greer, 38, will continue as Wesson’s high school principal, aposition he has held for four years. He also will serve as theschool’s athletic director.
“This is something that I’ve dealt with in my life for severalyears,” said Greer. “I wanted to make sure this is something thatGod is leading me to do.
“I want some form of vocation in the ministry,” Greer continued.”I want to start the process and take some courses from New OrleansSeminary.”
Greer has been active in church activities and the Fellowship ofChristian Athletes at school. “If you know the Lord is leading youin another direction, you had better follow Him.”
Greer is a member of Wesson Baptist Church. He serves as adeacon, also teaching Sunday School, Training Union and serving asa leader in the Royal Ambassadors, a Baptist youth group.
A standout football player in high school, Greer graduated fromBHS in 1983. He attended Co-Lin in 1984-85 and played football. Hegraduated from Mississippi College in 1987 and obtained a master’sdegree in administration in 1995.
Greer is in his ninth year at Wesson. He won two straight regionchampionships in 2001 and 2002. The Cobras reached the third roundof state playoffs in 2001.
This season, a major rebuilding effort saw the Cobras finishthird in the Region 6-2A race and advance to the playoffs.
Asked about his high level of success, Greer said, “I’ve hadgood coaches and a lot of good players. Our coaches work hard andour kids work hard. Our administration and community have been verysupportive. It’s a fun place to coach.”
Greer said he had many fond coaching memories at Wesson. “Overthe years, we went through a long losing streak,” a 14-game losingstreak that ended at Seminary in 1997. Another milestone was whenWesson beat Hinds AHS in 1998 for the division championship.
After graduating from MC, Greer coached at Class 5A Clinton for8 years. He coached the freshman team and served as varsitydefensive coordinator from 1989-94. He moved to Wesson in 1995.
Greer said he and Wesson Attendance Center principal Billy O.Britt will oversee the hiring of a new head football coach andconduct interviews.
“We want to find the right man who is committed to our kids andour program; not just using it for a stepping stone,” said Greer.”We want to be real thorough in our search. Hopefully, the new mancan be here by spring practice.”
Greer said he received plenty of community support during hisnine years at the helm. “I can’t say enough about the support wehave received from our town, school, coaching staff andplayers.”
He is married to the former Jennye Davis of Clinton. They havethree children, Casey, 13; Leah, 11; and Cullen, 8.
To begin his ministerial studies, Greer said he plans to takesome Saturday courses at New Orleans Seminary and some nightcourses at Mississippi College.
Rob Channell, Wesson track coach and assistant football coachalso is leaving. Channell has been hired at Copiah-LincolnCommunity College to teach biology.