Candidates continue qualifying process
Published 6:00 am Thursday, January 20, 2005
A challenger has stepped forward to campaign for the MonticelloWard Five post left vacant when former Alderman Pete Mathewsresigned earlier this month.
Craig “Bowie” Davis has qualified to run, said Debbie Lea,deputy city clerk. Mathews resigned after moving from the ward.
Glynn Vince said Tuesday night at a meeting of the MonticelloTown Board that he would also be qualifying for the Ward 5post.
In other qualifying, Thomas Kevin Garrett has qualified to runfor the Ward Four office, and Mayor David Nichols has turned in hispapers to seek re-election.
Ward Four Alderman Dick Reeves has said he would not seekre-election because his responsibilities and duties as a full-timemajor in the Army National Guard left his future uncertain.
Ward Three Alderman George Magee has also said he would not seekre-election for personal reasons, unless no one else chose to runfor the office.
Ward Two Alderman Steve Moreman said he is almost finished withhis paperwork and expected to qualify soon.
Ward One Alderman Jerry Goode has not commented on whether hewould be seeking reelection.
Tuesday night, the board appointed Jean McElroy as the town’sthird election commissioner. With McElroy in place, the town cannow begin certifying qualified candidates.
In the past year, the town has had to appoint all newcommissioners. Ben Blakeney died in office several months ago, andJoanne Jolly resigned about a month ago.
James Hill, a former alderman, is chairman of the new electioncommissioner committee, and Marsha Penny was appointed to fulfillBlakeney’s term. McElroy replaces Jolly.
City elections are nonpartisan. To qualify, candidates mustreceive the signatures of at least 50 registered voters.