Justice court funds under investigation
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, July 24, 2002
State audit department official aren’t commenting on a possibleinvestigation into missing funds in Lincoln County JusticeCourt.
“I can’t confirm nor deny that we’re looking into mattersconcerning the Lincoln County Justice Court,” said Pete Smith,spokesman for the State Auditor’s Office, Monday.
The department traditionally does not confirm or deny whether itis conducting any investigations.
However, a representative from the department has been seenaround the government complex periodically over the last month.Tillmon Bishop, who as chancery clerk is also responsible forcounty audit duties, said it is time for the routine state reviewof county financial records.
Sources, though, said an investigation began duringreconciliation of justice court’s bank statements and deposits notmatching up. The number of people involved and the extent of anymissing money is not known.
“It’s undetermined,” a source said.
It also was not known how long the investigation would continue.Lincoln County Sheriff Lynn Boyte said no arrests have been in thecase.
“That’s way too premature,” Boyte said.