City gets state award for tree-planting projects

Published 5:00 am Monday, April 26, 2004

The City of Brookhaven has been recognized by the MississippiUrban Forest Council for its tree-planting efforts over the lastfew years.

Brookhaven received the “Under 20,000″ award for tree plantingduring a ceremony last week in Jackson. Olive Branch received the”Over 20,000” population-based award for tree planting.

“We have planted more trees than any other city like that (withunder 20,000 population),” said Mayor Pro Tem Terry Bates, whoaccepted the award on behalf of the city. “It was a great award. Itmade me feel good.”

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Over the past four years, the City of Brookhaven has planted 600trees of more than 30 species, said Bennie Hutchins, with theSouthwest Mississippi Resource Conservation and DevelopmentDistrict. With the assistance of RC&D, more than $48,000 ingrant funds from the Mississippi Forestry Commission have been usedto purchase trees and supplies, while the city and local communitypartners contributed an additional $40,000, mostly through in-kindcontributions.

In addition to Bates and Hutchins, Aldermen Dorsey Cameron, BobMassengill, Tom Smith and Buddy Allen and Jimminette Phillips, withthe chamber of commerce’s community appearance committee,represented the city at the awards luncheon. Bates and Phillipstouted the benefits of the city’s tree-planting efforts.

“The trees we’ve planted over the last few years beautify thecity,” Bates said.

In the projects, trees have been planted along BrookwayBoulevard, Highway 51 and East Monticello Street.

“I think it says a lot for the city in that they’ve beenprogressive and had a lot of foresight in planting these trees,”Phillips said.

In larger cities, Phillips said, trees are being lost to urbansprawl.

In Brookhaven, she said, some of the canopy trees have beenlost. Most of the trees planted in recent years are native to thearea and produce medium to large canopies.

“By replanting, future generations will enjoy the same feel ofthe town that previous generations have,” Phillips said.

Bates was happy with the recognition Brookhaven received fromthe award.

“Everybody I met with spoke well about the city,” Batessaid.