Ward 3 selects next alderman in Tuesday vote
Published 6:00 am Monday, February 16, 2004
Election officials are gearing up for a good turnout Tuesday asWard Three voters go to the polls to decide the area’s nextalderman.
“I think we’re going to have a good one,” said Bonita Bullock,Brookhaven Election Commission chairwoman. “The weather’s supposedto be nice.”
In Tuesday’s runoff, Mrs. Jerry L. Wilson and Brookhavenbusinessman George Faust square off after getting the most votes inlast Tuesday’s special election. Wilson is the wife of the formeralderman who took office as Lincoln County District Once supervisorlast month.
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. for voting in thecity boardroom at the government complex. Only voters in Ward Threeare eligible to participate.
With 108 votes, Wilson lead a four-candidate field in lastweek’s election. Faust was second with 102 while the two othercandidates had less than 50 votes each.
The 268 votes cast last week represented a 21.7 percent turnoutamong Ward Three’s 1,233 registered voters.
Bullock was anticipating a better turnout tomorrow.
In the runoff, 30 people have voted absentee either in the CityClerk’s Office and returned a ballot in the mail. Fourteen votedabsentee in the first election.
Due to city offices being closed Monday for Presidents Day,Saturday was the last day to accept absentee ballots in themail.
Election officials were making their final preparations todayand anticipated a smooth election Tuesday. The election winner willserve through June 2005.
“We’re ready for it,” Bullock said. “We hope people will beinterested enough in the city and in the ward that they’ll get outand vote.”
Due to the voting in the city boardroom, the regular meeting ofthe mayor and board of aldermen will be held in the countysupervisors’ boardroom. The city board meeting starts at 6:30p.m.