Confusion gets blame for increase in accidents
Published 5:00 am Monday, May 19, 2003
Driver confusion at Highway 51 and Brookhaven Boulevardintersection has resulted in an increase in accidents since a newsignal system was installed, raising concerns among area lawenforcement.
Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) upgraded signalsapproximately two years ago to allow traffic to flow quickerthrough the busy intersection, but officials said it has had somenegative results.
“We need to look at that light very closely,” said BrookhavenPolice Chief Pap Henderson. “As good as it is to keep trafficmoving, I’d rather see slower traffic than have so manyaccidents.”
The intersection has a history of frequent accidents, but lawenforcement officers note that not only has the rate of accidentsincreased, but also the number of injuries has risen sharply.
“Severity of the accidents has increased. We’ve had some majoraccidents simply because people are not paying attention,” said Lt.Joe Portrey, who oversees the Brookhaven Police Department’straffic division.
Portrey also pointed out that most drivers do not understand thenew light system, which similar to ones at the intersections ofHighways 51 and 550 and Highway 51 and Union Street.
Motorists in the turn lane have the right-of-way to make a leftturn when the signal shows a green turn arrow. They can also make aleft turn on the green light but must yield to oncoming traffic,which often confuses drivers.
“Only the green arrow is completely protective of turns, but itis legal for them to turn even when the arrow is not on,” saidPortrey. “It will be in all motorists best interest to make sureall traffic has cleared before making a turn.”
One of the major causes of accidents at the intersection is theinability of drivers to see oncoming traffic, Henderson said.Motorists making a left turn on the full green often pull into thepath of an oncoming vehicle without even realizing it, he said.
“It’s hard to see traffic coming because of cars in the otherturning lanes,” he said. “It’s very important to have goodvisibility before making a turn.”
Motorists driving at high rates of speed on Highway 51 are alsoconsidered a significant factor in the number of accidents at theintersection.
Henderson hopes to work with the Mississippi Highway Patrol,which has jurisdiction over speed control on Highway 51, in slowingdrivers down.
The Brookway Boulevard and Highway 51 intersection, and secondlythe Highway 51 and Union Street intersection, particularly needattention because of the volume of traffic connected withInterstate 55 exits, Henderson said.
“A lot of traffic going through there is people who don’t evenlive here,” he said.
Henderson advises all motorists to use extra caution at thoseintersections, making sure to watch the actions of otherdrivers.
“People need to be safe and be very, very careful,” he said.