Sales tax returns down for FY 2003
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Like many other communities in the state, Brookhaven sales taxcollections tumbled in June to end the state’s fiscal year on adown note, according to totals from the Mississippi TaxCommission.
At $326,227.85, the city’s collections were down about $7,000from June 2002’s total of $333,878.86. Brookhaven-Lincoln CountyChamber of Commerce Executive Vice-President Chandler Russdownplayed the decline.
“Although we were down, it was down less than 1 percent from theJune 2002 total,” Russ said.
Russ said Brookhaven was not alone in having lower sales taxtotals. He said some communities had “significant decreases.”
“$326,000 collected in June in a sluggish economy is still adecent number in comparison to other communities in southwestMississippi and across the state,” Russ said. “We fared all rightin comparision to our 2002 total.”
The city’s statewide ranking, however, slipped to 23rd. Strongcollections in Oxford, Starkville and Ocean Springs helped pushBrookhaven down.
“You had some newcomers that pulled slightly ahead of us,” Russsaid.
For the state fiscal year, which runs July 1 to June 30,Brookhaven was down almost $60,000. The fiscal year 2003 total was$3,827,966.91 compared to 2002’s year-end total of$3,887,768.98
Russ said the sales tax totals are a reminder of the importanceof Lincoln County shoppers buying locally. He said the chamberplans to launch a Shop-At-Home campaign through print and radioadvertising.
“We want to time it with back to school sales,” said Russ,adding that the campaign would likely start next week.
In other parts of southwest Mississippi, McComb collectionsslipped to $351,904.74 in June sales tax. The June 2003 total,which placed the city 18th in the state, represented a decrease ofabout $11,4000 from the June 2002 total of $363,373.51.
In year-to-date totals, McComb had $4,353,218.90 in 2003 and$4,363,272.93 in 2002.
Also in Pike County, Summit businesses gathered $19,129.72 inJune sales tax, a decrease of about $1,200 from last June’s$20,403.63. For the years-to-date, the town’s 2003 total was$198,748.20 about $25,000 behind 2002’s $223,011.54.
In Lawrence County, Monticello merchants took in $30,895.88 forthe city’s share of June 2002 sales tax, a drop from June 2002’s$34,328.40. The city’s 2003 year-to-date total stayed ahead of its2002 pace: $381,098.76 this year and $377,998.57 last year.
Wesson businesses’ June sales tax collections were down over$3,000 to $6,447.62, compared to $9,878.52 last June. Itsyear-to-date total trailed its 2002 pace with $104,162.82 this yearand $119,170.44 last year.
To the west in Franklin County, Bude businesses rang up$11,242.18 for the town, a good increase compared to June 2002’s$8,456.39. For 2003, its yearly total was $90,749.99 and $97,837.85in 2002.
Meadville merchants took in $8,547.99 in June 2002, down fromJune 2002 with $10,433.97. Yearly totals show the town with$96,562.02 in 2003 collections and $103,725.49 in 2002collections.