Routines changing for Class of 2011 graduates
Published 6:00 pm Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Today, The DAILY LEADER continues its publication ofvaledictorian and salutatorian speeches from the Class of 2011.Today’s address is from Bailey Hinshaw, Loyd Star Attendance Centersalutatorian.
We have reached the end of a thirteen-year journey. There havebeen many people who have had a part in getting us here and a lotof events that have led to this day. Now, we need to take a momentor two for reflection and to thank everyone who has been a part ofthis journey.
We remember our first day of school like it was yesterday. Ourparents painfully left their babies at the kindergarten door, andwhile some of us were sad and scared, others were thrilled to be inschool. After a little while, we adjusted to the routine ofschool.
Our routine changed a little in fifth grade. That year, we hadthe “privilege” of being bussed to Progress for our classes. Wesure loved those bus rides, especially when the pastures we passedalong the way had been freshly fertilized with chicken litter.
Junior high had its ups and downs, but with the help of verypatient teachers, we made it through.
Now, our routine is coming to an end as we graduate and leaveLoyd Star. We have worked hard to get to this point, and this isone of the happiest times of our lives.
We have so much to be thankful for and a lot of individuals tothank. First, we owe our thanks to God. He has allowed us to makeit this far on our life’s journey. If it were not for him, we wouldnever have made it.
Second, we need to thank our parents for supporting and pushingus to do our best at everything we do. They have been there sinceday one of our lives, and we owe them honor and appreciation forthe things they have done for us.
We also need to thank our coaches, band directors, choirdirectors and club sponsors for the hours they put in helping usdevelop our extracurricular skills. Their efforts helped us learnrespect, hard work and sportsmanship. They helped us become morewell-rounded individuals.
We should also be thankful for all the friends we have madealong our journey. They have given our years at Loyd Star, and thepeople here will have a lasting impact on our lives.
As an ending to my speech, I would like to read a poem. Some ofyou may recognize it from our yearbook. It fits this occasionperfectly.
“The more I look back on all the happy times
the easier it is for me to realize
that friends are much more than hellos and goodbyes.
It all comes down to what you have inside.
Yes, some are good singers, and some are athletic
But that doesn’t matter. Are you starting to get it?
All that is important is the feeling inside.
If you’re white or black or green or blue-eyed.
For me to sit and say, “I won’t miss this old place,”
is wrong and untrue. Can’t you tell in my face?
All the friends and teachers meant so much to me.
I don’t know any place that I’d rather be.
“Those were the days,” I’d hear my parents say.
They cherished their years … each and every day.
Although I’ll be leaving, some of friends will still behere.
Forgetting my friends is my greatest fear.
Let’s promise not to forget other and the
memories we made.”
Thank you very much.
Bailey Hinshaw is the daughter of Wade and CynthiaHinshaw.