Wheels turn for charities
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, May 9, 2000
Car and truck enthusiasts are preparing for a weekend eventcatered especially around their interests and the needs of localcharities.
The second annual Special Interest Vehicle Show, hosted by theKlassy Chassis Kar Klub, is Saturday, May 13, from 8 a.m. until 3p.m. in the rear parking lot of Delphi-Packard Electric onIndustrial Park Road.
The car show will be a “fun family event” while at the the sametime raising money to benefit the needy, said Tommy Foster,president.
“We have two main purposes. One is to just have a good timeputting on this car show… and our second is to generate money forcharities,” said Foster.
The club designates 25 percent of each dollar raised to fourcharities: the American Heart Association, St. Jude Children’sHospital, the American Cancer Society and Brookhaven’s CommunityAction and Service Team.
Some of the funds also go to a special scholarship inremembrance of three Delphi-Packard employees who perished in aplane crash a few years ago.
Last year, approximately $1,200 was raised for charity, and thisyear officials hope to increase the club’s contributions.
They believe their $2,000 goal is attainable because this is thesecond year for the event, so they are better prepared, accordingto Foster.
“This year we’re going to come out much better than before,” hesaid. “We got started on it early, and it’s been very successful sofar.”
Some of the money generated thus far has come from ticket saleson items donated by local businesses.
“We’d like to thank all the businesses in the area, and we’dalso like to thank the Union, management and employees at PackardElectric because they have bent over backwards to support this,”said Steve Hegerle, Klassy Chassis Kar Klub treasurer.
Some businesses also donated door prizes that will be given tothose displaying vehicles.
Car club officials are expecting over 50 vehicles of all makesand models, new and old, to enter this year’s competition.
Some of the car clubs expected to participate are the DixieStreet Riders from McComb, Ole Brook Cruisers from Brookhaven,Camaro Club of Jackson, Mississippi Muscle Car Club, DeltaCruisers, Coastal Cruisers and Mid-Mississippi Mustang Club.
“The makeup of the teams is just outstanding,” said CharlesBateaste, Klassy Chassis Kar Club vice-president and founder.
The public is invited to come view the vehicles while enjoyingfood, games and entertainment, he said.