History group selling reprinted 1904 cookbooks as museum fundraiser
Published 7:00 pm Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Seth Allen went to the Hardy Estate salethis past summer knowing it would be a good opportunity to comeaway with a piece of history, and that is exactly what he foundwhen he bought an old cookbook.
The “Brookhaven Cookbook” contains recipes dating back to the turnof the 20th century, with submissions from families all fromBrookhaven.
“I’ve always enjoyed history,” Allen said. “I was a history majorin college, and this is a part of history. Everybody deserves tohave a part of their history.”
That is just what will happen as the book has recently beenreprinted as a fundraiser for the Lincoln County Historical andGenealogical Society with help from Harmon Shirley at SouthernOffice Products.
“The historical society approached me brainstorming for fundraiserideas,” Allen explained. “Any time I can add to somebody’sinterest, that’s something I like to do.”
Allen said common family names such as Hobbs, Hardy and Stormappear in the cookbook, many of which streets in the city are nownamed after. The book, dated 1904 and published by the LincolnCounty Times, will contain all the original recipes andadvertisements as well as brief histories of some of thefamilies.
“As a history buff, I found it really fascinating,” said MartiParker of the historical society. “From the book, you really get agood idea of who was interested in doing things in Brookhaven, andthe women in town who were doing things to help the city grow.”
Parker said the first reprinting from Allen’s find, which waspicked up Friday, yielded 350 copies with more to be printed on anas needed basis.
“It’s a really nice piece of history,” Parker said. “I had no ideathey had a typed cookbook in 1904.”
Parker explained that it is hard to determine how many copies wereprinted back in 1904. She said it made sense, however, to find oneat the Hardy house estate sale.
“That one had stayed in the same family in the same house,” shesaid. “Other families moved out of their homes and new familieswould come in, so most of the copies probably got tossed orlost.”
The copies of the reprinted “Brookhaven Cookbook” are now on salefor $15. Parker said people can purchase them from the societythrough her, at banks throughout town and at the Lincoln CountyHistorical and Genealogical Society Museum on Dec. 3, the day ofthe Tour of Homes.
“All the proceeds go strictly to the museum,” Allen said. “I knewwhat I had when I found it. It’s really interesting especially tosomeone from here. They would make good Christmas presents, Ithink. For anybody who has ties to the city, it would be a valuableaddition to their collection.”
The cookbook also contains pictures of Brookhaven, cityscapes ofthe town back in 1904, which Parker sees as another interestingfeature to the historical find.
“It’s all very interesting and exciting,” she said. “I think peoplewill really appreciate something like this as a part of ourhistory. We’ve ordered 350 so far, and we’ll see how thatgoes.”
Anyone interested in purchasing a copy of the reprinted 1904″Brookhaven Cookbook” can contact Parker at 601-320-4474.